My skin is crackling
We laugh because
No one ever believes
"It's a dry heat"
95 in March feels
Though I worry
This porcelain
skin will blind
Better than cracked
Leather, I suppose
As a wrinkled woman
Walks by, cigarette
Balancing just so
The waiter's laughter
Comingles with ours
He remembers us
From nearly four
Months ago
These connections
We've created in our
Desert oasis
My skin pulls as
I leave the seat
Sated and smiling
Back into the heat
~ ©Amber Keating, 03.31.18
I'm a clinical social worker and writing is one of my resilience practices. I love reading, writing, cross-stitching, yoga, dancing, and sparkling. You'll find poetry and other random musings here. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Palm Springs
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Times New Roman
Points her way
Plodding or plotting
It's never clear which
No doubt both
As with most things
Find the line where
Desired meets required
We're all walking that
Thin blade
Even now awaiting
The eventual immolation
Brisé chassé
In turnout gear
Pirouette evasion
Of supernova
Spinning or slipping
I am eviscerated
Bowels collapsing
Into singularity
Can it be delicate
This endless gravity
Exquisite tension
She falls back into orbit
Baptizing fire with flood
Begin again
All we know
Is she brings a heavy heart
And I bring the steel toes
©Amber Keating, 03.29.18
Monday, March 19, 2018
A tweet about cold weather and soup became today's haiku.
It's cold in L.A.
Let's have soup. Steaming, slurping
Joy, no fear... for now.
© Amber Keating, 03.19.18
Friday, March 16, 2018
Fear needs to back the fuck up.
It's everywhere these days and
I have lived long enough with
Dread as my constant. Whispering
nightmares in my ear with every
step. If they are laughing it must
be at me. All sweet moments
Become bleak desert. Parched,
Searching, misled by mirages.
Dark insinuations, he stops me
From connecting. Clamps off
Life force until my withered bones
Scatter in the desert dust. Now that
Fear is more stranger than sidekick
My biggest fear is circling back
To that wasteland. How do I keep
Its vultures from ripping my newly
Quickened flesh? My body no
Longer belongs to fear. I fear being
Unable to keep it that way.
© Amber Keating, 03.16.18
Thursday, March 15, 2018
It's rainy today, all cold and gloom
Like the day I left you
I hardly knew then how badly I needed
To leave
To run free
To scream
Rage flowing from every pore
But today I'm left thinking of
Your inability to love anyone but
A woman-child
Raising a daughter to be
more woman than herself
Not sure how you did it
Gave me just enough to
Recognize I needed out
Then follow through
I was supposed to watch the kids
But you left with them
And a window appeared
An opportunity I'd never
Thought possible
You thought a mechanical
Error would stop me
You should have known better
Of the lionhearted firebrand
You raised
You ensured I would
always. find. my. way.
I guess I can thank you for that
Who couldn't really give anything
You needed so much
That you never got
Thinking maybe I'd give it to
And you made it clear you were
Always disappointed
So I kept trying to give what could never fill
Your emptiness
And grasping for what you couldn't give
Until that window opened
Sunshine parting moody sky
For a moment
To light my way
I still cry sometimes
Just like the sky is today
23 years later
I've learned to how to love myself
Taught me that
The long way around
© Amber Keating, 03.15.18
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
A Protest Song
Sirens in the night
A warning
Or singing me to death
Rubbing sleepdust from weary eyes
Limitless no longer
Chained back to this body
Would that I could tie myself to the
mast of this sleeping ship
Avoid the bucking bull sea
And rubbled shore
Instead of dizzy dry heaving
In clumsy corporeal form
Drift again on untroubled waters
Warm and soft and safe
Free to travel among the infinite
Oh, but the song leaves me rabid!
Greedy belly, blunted thoughts
Bitter trumpet call cutting through
Endless void of galactic spacetime
Am I
Ready for another day
©Amber Keating, 03.14.18
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Untitled - March Poem 13
Day 13 of #poemadaymarch. I don't know what this one is called. It gave me a run for my money today!
Jewels spilling from gaping soul
Catching flight on fiery beams
Diamonds coveted for
Brilliant shine
Also cut through hardest
Looking glass eyes
These words, soul gems
Certain to yield discomfort
Slicing open tightly held
Steely hearts
Pop psych positive
Diamonds are formed with
Enormous pressure
Earth, a mill of rotting flora
Recast as chalky soot
Then treasure
Pearls from pebbles
And endless agitation
Maybe we need a rubbing raw
To find the prize inside
Shaken, stirred, muddled
Until we vomit pearls of
Wisdom from every unstaunched wound
© Amber Keating, 03.13.18
Monday, March 12, 2018
Step or Stop
Shadowed lines on shining page
Numbers would swim off the edge
As in my mind
Without these boxes and borders
Finance is grinning
At this perfect treasure
Set before us
Will we take another step
Or stop
Again I'm wandering
Not really listening
Floating above tedium
Muffled voices
Struggling with why what how
I have a different why
Can't we dive
Heart first
© Amber Keating // 03.12.18
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Maybe I'll write about that friend
I ran a marathon for
Though she was a shit friend
Months of pounding pavement
From dust to mud to glaring sun
And slogging through waist-high water
It's gettin' hot out here let's take off all our clothes
Salty air salty jokes belly laughs by the sea
New friends made because of her
But she was a shit friend and I
Stopped seeking love from shit
So many losses driving this cheerless day
Always looking for why but sadness simply IS
Blanket soggy with tears S-L-O-W-I-N-G
Lowing in pitchy night I wonder at grief
It's hard to lie still and feel
When roaming marathons in the mind
Leave no stone of detail unturned
Each trial now bears a gleaming polish
From decades of churning
Round and round and round we go
Then in creeps pearly fog to remind
Frozen talons hooking ankles, wrists
Colors flat body static no more sprinting
Even racing thoughts can't get it up
No. No. No. Just. No. Be still. Go slow.
Melancholy my intermission
~ Amber Keating, 03.10.18
there lives deep inside
a secret hiding place
to stash ugly, unacceptable
no one warned us
monsters under the bed become
the ones inside our heads and
we shove them
drown them out
immobilized by generations of
endless hide-and-hide
this is the real neverending story
we are digging in the mudshitdebris
why am I so angry?
why am I so sad?
why can't I connect?
why do I keep running?
what was I looking for again?
stop asking questions
i am so. tired.
why am I so tired?
questions never stop
and answers we already know
but cannot abide we've
been carrying this too long
hiding sweeping tucking
holding turning running a-
this hiding place is full to bursting
we're all pregnant with pain
bearing our helpless monsters
believing no one else sees
perhaps it's time to birth our
twisted horrors and discover
the exhausted joy of holding
our newest born in loving daylight
~ Amber Keating // 03.11.18
Daydreams and Desire
The desire to nap is strong today. I want to lie still.
Float on gusts of glorious brisk air
Like the emerald balloon bopping out of nowhere
In front of my car
A vivid reminder of joyful surprises
As I was being dragged to work
It danced a jig in the middle of the street
Bouncing playfully among us, cars hustling by
My mind wants to float and dance
A bit of air carved out of the whole
Held apart by only this veil of
Rogue elastic atoms
So that it can twirl and spin its own daydream
It can know what it's like for a moment
To be unique
In a sea of sameness
~ Amber Keating // 03.08.18
"They, not he."
tilted head taken aback
then… light
(and god saw that the light was good)
but first, heart gallops full speed
~ breathe ~
awareness comes in flashes
strobes of dazzling color
in an ink-dark void
be the change name the unspoken
respect for the words chosen
~ Amber Keating // 03.07.18
Heart Space
She is small and mighty
Sitting in the backseat
Choking back tears
Her life depends on it
No desire to go back with them
A house of horrors waits
But the adults decided why
Who said parents know best?
What did she do to deserve this nothing
But she can't know that yet
So she clenches jaw bites tongue
Holds breath to survive
Then sometimes she's in the front seat
Again holding back tears
Staring out the window
Pulling in breath with tiny sips
A woman now who can't discern
Sweet soft moments from
Danger EVERYWHERE every turn
Every feeling a threat she runs while holding still
He can't understand either why she turns away
When he needs something
She can't give anything
Depleted ashamed holding indownupoutaway
Because other men fuck her own mother
Were monsters the very real kind
Wherever she goes there they are
Yellow sick oozing angry wound
Healing happens slowly
Too much goddamn work
Small mighty girl turned
Powerful woman queen
She holds the world in her heart
Every crack sewn back in place
made space for lonely lost unloved unheard
Including herself
"They, not he."
tilted head taken aback
then… light
(and god saw that the light was good)
but first, heart gallops full speed
~ breathe ~
awareness comes in flashes
strobes of dazzling color
in an ink-dark void
be the change name the unspoken
respect for the words chosen
~ Amber Keating // 03.07.18
She says she is scared of
Is it really okay to be
What happens when sickness no longer
Creeps at every edge
Dis-ease the way of things
What if this smile is really real this time?
No longer a mask of faux-perfection
How will she know
Facade from truth
Can she know?
She was so good
At hiding
She didn't even know herself
Had no clue she was holding up a lie
That shining veneer
Fooled a lot of people
If they noticed a crack in the disguise
She ran
Harder, better, faster, stronger
(words of a favorite song)
When she first met those
Who could behold
The terror behind
Her veil
She was shaken to the core
(Oh, but bury that, QUICK!
Never let them see you scared, crying)
A call to arms for the hidden Self
"Come forth, it's time; the world needs
you, ALL of you"
She laughs and sighs
Smile fades and sadness dances
Across the mirror of her sparkling eyes
Another smile
This one, deep and knowing and mischievous
Even seductive
Scared sometimes of going back,
Yet learning there is no such thing
As back
Only forward
Trusting, knowing
Home is always here
~ Amber Keating // 03.06.18
Book Magic
no one comments on the pile of
books scattered on my floor
each one a world unto itself
much like ourselves
going about our daily business
not really seeing the magic
each contains within
like this one with its blue
and gold cover my college colors
go gauchos!
memories now flooding in
this book about the mind
has indeed shown me mine
without ever flipping its pages
~ Amber Keating // 03.04.18
For Me
Shade and shadow
Green canopy
Cool breeze
Not for me
My deep desire
Squashed into shadow
For soft and still
And quiet are
Not for me
Twisted into tension
Outrun, outpace
While others rest
Not for me
One day I see
Shade, dark and sweet
A nap
A daydream
Waiting for me
~ Amber Keating // 03.02.18
My garage door
An attention whore
Trying to get in
It shuts me out
Needing to leave
Yawning refusal
Buzzing and whining
With inaction
Fuck, not again!
This intermittent dance
It only moves
When it wants
And woe to all
Needing different
We are stuck here
Same old pattern
Trying to move
What cannot be
Story of my life
Is this how it is
For those trying
To move me?
Such a whore
This garage door
~ Amber Keating / 03.03.18
Ode to SCI
My eyes settle on boundless green Sunlight dancing on clouds A place to rest These heavy bones Cheers and laughter Bubbling all aroun...
I have lost so many things in this life. Phone, keys (why can't I keep track of keys?), pens, emails, texts, boyfriends, books, clothes,...
My eyes settle on boundless green Sunlight dancing on clouds A place to rest These heavy bones Cheers and laughter Bubbling all aroun...
A tweet about cold weather and soup became today's haiku. ~~~~~~~~~~ It's cold in L.A. Let's have soup. Steaming, slurping J...